Personal Travel Reports
As part of our trips, the Eye of the Wind sails to selected ports, where you will explore the most beautiful and attractive sights. The most remarkable travel memories, however, come about by meeting interesting people on board, sharing jokes when performing daily routines, unexpected glimpses of wildlife and the influence of our constant companions: the wind and the weather. After spending only a few days at sea, many of our guests have the need to record their impressions in writing. Here, you can read the personal travel reports written by some of our guests.
"The trip was AMAZING!!! Everyone was fantastic. I loved every second of the adventure." - Experience report by Todd McPencow (Atlantic crossing)
What I gave up by heading out on the journey from Bermuda to the Azores:
- 3 weeks of nightly story time with my son
- 3 weeks of spending time with my wife
- Celebrating Easter and my birthday with family and friends
But it was all worth it! When I arrived in Bermuda and saw the 'Eye' sitting there, my breath was taken away by her beauty.
"That mainmast still looks high, but I am thinking about it now ..." Crossing the Atlantic Ocean from Bermuda to the Azores. - Experience report by Michael Barker
We finally set sail. It was daunting and exciting all at the same time. Setting sails on a tall ship is no easy task and was exhausting. I threw my back into the pulling and hauling as did everybody else. The ship was pitching and rolling from the get go. I looked up at the two tall masts dismayed at the crew who climbed all the way to the top to release the top sails. I have now mastered the helm and am allowed to steer the ship. Standing at the helm looking through and beyond this magnificent ship is extraordinary. I listened to music whilst lying in the jib net right at the front of the ship dangling over the ocean. What an awesome place to watch the sea pass.
continue… (you will be forwarded to Michael Barker's travel blog)
"The ship is magnificent." Sailing in the Caribbean Sea from Saint-Martin to the British Virgin Islands. - Experience report by David Bellows
I have been sailing on windjammers for many years as passenger and crew, including a dozen of the old schooners sailing in my home waters of the beautiful coast of Maine, other schooners in the Caribbean, and a number of square-riggers, in various parts of the world including two Atlantic crossings. Of all these ships, my experience on Eye of the Wind was one of the very finest. The ship is magnificent. It is very pretty with its tanbark sails, teak decks, and lots of varnish. More important, it sails very well. The relatively small sails are easily handled and she is fast and seaworthy. I particularly liked that passengers were encouraged to participate but not pressured, a balance not easy to do.
"I Christopher Columbus’ kølvand" - Experience report by Peter Schiolten, excerpt from Bådmagasinet (Dansk / in Danish language)
At få lov til at sejle på et 100 år gammelt sejlskib over Atlanten lyder spændende og vil give retten til at bære de meget omtalte røde sejlerbukser. Jeg så annoncen i det tyske bådmagasin Yacht: Deltag i en ekspeditionsrejse med en af verdens sidste tilbageblevne Windjammers Eye of the Wind. Dansk indregistreret i Gilleleje og ejet af et tysk selskab. Turen begynder på Gran Canaria og slutter i Caribien; en eventyrrejse på et 100 år gammelt sejlskib under de samme betingelser som de gamle opdagelsesrejsende.