Current position of the Eye of the Wind:


Share your tavel memories

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For the waiting time until the next voyage and for even more anticipation of the upcoming sailing trips, we would like to collect your very personal travel memories: Pictures and poems, stories and and blogs, videos and crazy stuff, texts of any lenght ... funny, thoughtful, curious or simply "one-of-a-keyend"!

Do you have material that you would like to share with us and that we may publish here on our website? - We are very curious about your sending. Thanks a lot!

We will raffle three books from our Ship-Shop assortment among all senders.

Have you not sailed aboard the Eye of the Wind before? - Then we recommend a look at our selection of already submitted travel reports.


Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse an der Eye of the Wind.

Bleiben Sie mit uns in Verbindung – mit unserem kostenlosen „Logbuch“ informieren wir Sie in ca. fünf Ausgaben pro Jahr über attraktive Reiseziele, tolle Angebote, Gewinnspiele und interessante Neuigkeiten rund um das Schiff und unsere Crew.

Ihr Eye of the Wind Team