Captain: Pit

Captain Pit crew


Since the age of 26, I am working in seafaring. In Enkhuizen, the Netherlands, I attended the Seafaring School, and at the end of my entire training, I earned the title "Master (all ships)". After a long time on mechant ships, my way now led back to sailing - finally!

I've known the Eye of the Wind for a long time, because a colleague from the Nautical School was her captain for nine years - so my predecessor. Sailing is a beloved and lived passion for me. The special thing about this ship is: I am the captain on board, but I can not sail alone from A to B - here everyone works together.

Our sailors will get to know me as an adventurous and enthusiastic seafarer, I am especially looking forward to the long trips to distant places. My dream destination with the Eye of the Wind? - The island world of the South Pacific!

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Ihr Eye of the Wind Team